Herbal Chemistry (Discover)
Herbal Chemistry (Discover)
A team of thoroughgoing scientists is involved in developing and optimizing extraction processes to obtain standardized extracts from identified natural sources. Apart from that we are involved in the conceptual development of isolation processes, schemes of isolation and purification of compounds through our rigorous, repetitive and extensive research methodology.
We have state-of-the-art laboratory set up well equipped with precocious equipments as listed under:-
- Fume Hood
- Buchi Rotary Evaporator
- Buchi Extraction System
- Milli-Q Water System
- Vacuum Concentrator
- Tap Density Apparatus
- IR Moisture Analyzer
- Buchi labscale Spraydryer
- Karl Fischer KF Titrino plusApparatus
- Buchi Melting Point Apparatus
- Carbolite Gero 3-3000 °C Muffle Furnace
- Orbital Shaker
- Buchi Flash Chromatography
- Supercritical Fluid Chromatog graphy
- pH Meter
- Retsch Grindomix ZM 200
- Abbe refractometer
- Eppendorf Concentrator plus